Discover Your Core Brand Values: The Foundation of an Authentic Coaching or Healing Practice

Hey y’all! 🌟 Ever feel like your brand isn’t fully reflecting who you are or what you stand for? You’re not alone. For coaches, healers, and service providers, your brand values are the heartbeat of your business. They guide your decisions, shape your messaging, and help you attract clients who resonate with your mission. In this post, I’ll help you uncover and define your core brand values so that your brand reflects what matters most to you.

What Are Brand Values and Why Do They Matter?

Brand Values are the principles and beliefs that guide your business. They’re the non-negotiables that influence everything from how you communicate with clients to the types of services you offer.

Why They Matter:
Your brand values help you stay true to yourself and your mission. They also attract clients who share your beliefs, leading to more meaningful and aligned working relationships.

🔥 Key Insight:
When your brand values are clear, decision-making becomes so much easier. This clarity acts as your compass, helping you effortlessly navigate choices that align with your mission and guiding you away from those that don’t. With clear values, every aspect of your business—from your messaging to your client interactions—naturally aligns, creating a brand that feels authentic and powerful.

Identify Your Core Brand Values

Let’s dive into the process of discovering your core brand values. This isn’t just about picking a few words that sound good—it’s about identifying what truly matters to you and your business.

Guiding Question:
What principles do I want my business to stand for? What values are so important to me that I couldn’t run my business without them?

Quick Exercise:

  • Step 1: Start with a list. Write down as many values as you can think of that resonate with you. Consider qualities like authenticity, compassion, innovation, integrity, inclusivity, and growth.

  • Step 2: Narrow it down. Circle the top 5-7 values that feel most essential to who you are and how you want to operate your business.

  • Step 3: Refine further. From this list, select the top 3-5 core values that truly define your brand.

Fun Tip: If you’re having trouble narrowing down your values, try this fun exercise my previous coach, Jessica Butts, taught me. Write each value on a separate slip of paper and have a friend randomly take one away. How you respond to this can tell you a lot about how attached you are to that value. It’s a lighthearted way to get clear on what truly matters to you—and trust me, it can be both fun and funny!

Reflect on How These Values Shape Your Brand

Now that you’ve identified your core brand values, let’s reflect on how they influence your business.

Guiding Question:
How do these values show up in my day-to-day business decisions? How do they guide the way I interact with clients, create content, and offer services?


  • Authenticity: If authenticity is a core value, are you showing up as your true self in your messaging and client interactions?

  • Compassion: If compassion is key, how are you creating a supportive and empathetic environment for your clients?

  • Growth: If growth is a driving force, how are you encouraging your clients (and yourself) to evolve and expand?

  • Inclusivity: If inclusivity is a core value, how are you ensuring that your business is welcoming and accessible to all, regardless of background or identity?

  • Integrity: If integrity is a core value, think of it as the structural integrity of a building. How are you ensuring that every aspect of your business—your messaging, operations, client interactions, and services—aligns cohesively with your core values? Just like in architecture, where every component must support the whole structure, your business should be built in a way where all elements work together harmoniously, creating a brand that is strong, resilient, and aligned.

Want to uncover your brand’s vision and purpose? Check out my post on uncovering your vision and purpose to create a brand that not only resonates but also inspires.

Integrate Your Values into Your Brand Strategy

Your core brand values shouldn’t just live in a notebook—they should be woven into every aspect of your business. Here’s how to make sure your values are reflected in everything you do:

Practical Steps to Integration:

  • Messaging: Ensure your values are clear in your website copy, social media posts, and client communications. For example, if transparency is a core value, be upfront about your process and pricing.

  • Decision-Making: Use your values as a filter for making business decisions. If a potential project doesn’t align with your core values, it might not be the right fit.

  • Client Experience: Reflect your values in how you interact with clients. If integrity is a core value, ensure that every part of your business, from your services to your operations, consistently supports and reinforces these values, just like the structural elements of a well-designed building.

Final Thoughts

Defining your core brand values is about more than just choosing a few nice-sounding words. It’s about digging deep into what truly matters to you and using those values to guide every aspect of your business. When your brand values are clear, your brand becomes a powerful tool for attracting clients who resonate with your mission and are excited to work with you.

You got this, y’all! High five! 🙌 Ready to bring your values to life in your business? Let’s do this!

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, check out my other posts on clarifying your most aligned niche and uncovering your brand’s vision and purpose. And if you want personalized support, book a VIP day with me—together, we’ll make sure your brand is a reflection of what truly matters to you and your purpose


How to Clarify Your Coaching Niche: A Step-by-Step Guide for Spiritual Coaches and Healers